Seria "Descoperă tu însuți"
Seria "Descoperă tu însuți"
Technology has replaced toys in the lives of many children in this day and age. This can have many advantages, but there are also negative influences that affect children’s psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. This course will help parents and educators give children a good direction for using the information technology to which they have access. The manual contains Biblical lessons, advice, ideas and activities, meant to teach children and to offer assistance to parents. Developed by the team of professors at the “Scriptehinfo” IT school, this interactive workbook includes the following subjects and more: - Real and virtual friendship - How to tell right from wrong online - Wise use of time and money - Protecting ourselves from violence - Avoiding shameful images - Protecting personal information If you want to get trained to teach this course to your kids or in the Sunday School at church, feel free to contact us at
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